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We've spent an extensive amount of time researching specific families from Doaghbeg, but it's quite a large task and ever changing based on new information we find or learn.


For our family reviews, we are using the best source of information we have to reference which are the 1901 and 1911 census records.

We are also using land records, birth, marriage and death records to determine other families that lived in the area.


As you may notice, there are quite a few people who we have little to no information on and we are hoping to get more information on them with the release of this site.


What also needs to be taken into consideration is that a lot of Doaghbeg people married locally which means family trees and ties get intertwined quite often which can make it difficult to follow.  We will try make it as easy to follow as possible.


We have also included some Q&As with people from the Doaghbeg area as this will be great information to have in years to come.


We have also included a section whereby our followers can help identify what happened some Doaghbeg people we cannot trace. 


Again, any help or advice that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. 

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