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1901 Census Data


The following data is taken from the 1901 Census for Doaghbeg. Here is the link to the records, but this page has all Doaghbeg residents on the same page with some additional information and should be easy to navigate.  There are some pages from the 'Enumerator's Abstract' and 'Out-Offices and Farm-Steadings Return' forms;


We have also included a modern day map with the locations of each house which is not great quality but hopefully people can make out the numbers.



Sex; M = Male.  F = Female

Religion; RC = Roman Catholic

Literacy; R = Read.  W = Write.

Irish Language; I = Irish.  E = English.

Marital Status; M = Married, S = Single, W = Widowed.


1901 Census.PNG
1901 house return form.PNG
1901 house return form2.PNG
1901 1.PNG
1901 2.PNG
1901 3.PNG
1901 4.PNG
1901 5.PNG
1901 6.PNG
1901 7.PNG
1901 EA.PNG
1901 EA2.PNG
Out-Offices and Farm-Steadings Return (F
1901 census.JPG
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